Empath History Research Club Pilot Scheme
Funded by Wakefield Council’s Micro Everywhere Culture Grants, Empath brought together a group of people at Wakefield Studies Library to grow their history research skills.
We believe that knowing about your town, city, heritage and history isn’t just something that should be available to all people, and so over the course of February and March, our history research team helped participants unearth stories that were important to them.
Together, we learned about:
- Navigating the newspaper archives
- Making sense of maps
- Tying up threads with timelines
- Checking our sources
- What sources actually are and where to find them
and so much more. We also created a Facebook group for our researchers so they could post about their research, get help, and generally chat about their findings and next lines of enquiry.
Take a look at some of the pictures from these amazing sessions (Photo credits: The wonderful Robling Photography):
And more from our sessions:
While this pilot scheme has now come to an end, it has allowed us to trial how we will run such schemes in the future while helping a lovely group of people grow their research practice — this is definitely not the end!
Finally, everyone at Empath would like to say a massive thank you to Wakefield Council for enabling this work, and to all the team at Wakefield Libraries for being so helpful and accommodating.